As ever with this path, the progression that is outlined below is at once professionally empowering and personally transformative.
Each offering has been carefully crafted to be complete unto itself, while also serving as a bridge to the next training. Throughout, the underlying inspiration remains consistent: to support spiritual healers and teachers in uncovering, claiming, honing, and sharing their resplendent medicine for the benefit of all beings.
A Three-Day Workshop
Learn a trustworthy, effective, and reliable practice for cultivating multidimensional awareness and contacting your helping spirits using natural trance states.
There is no prerequisite for this workshop; everyone has helping spirits, and anyone can learn the technique of journeying in order to begin forming relationships with them.
This is a stand-alone workshop that also serves as the prerequisite for Becoming a Spiritual Healing Practitioner Level I: The Essentials.
A Year-Long Professional Training and Initiation
Develop the necessary skills, experience, and ethical framework for facilitating spiritual healing on behalf of others within a stable, structured container.
This is a stand-alone training that also serves as the prerequisite for Becoming a Spiritual Healing Practitioner Level II: Honing Your Unique Medicine.
A Two-Year Advanced Professional Training and Initiation
The breadth of skills that were gained during the Level I training serve as the perfect foundation for supporting the cultivation of more advanced spiritual healing techniques, which can be incorporated seamlessly into a professional private practice.
This is a stand-alone training that also serves as the prerequisite for Becoming a Spiritual Facilitator Level I: The Essentials.
A Year-Long Professional Training and Initiation
Currently, graduates of the first three cohorts of the Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation are invited to apply to this program. Moving forward, this program will be the natural next step for those who have completed Becoming a Spiritual Healer Level I and II.
As spiritual healers, we serve as guides helping our clients navigate safely, confidently, and effectively in the invisible realms. For some, this aspect of the work naturally parlays into an increasing emphasis on teaching as they evolve on their path, which may inspire the practitioner to begin leading classes of their own, for their clients as well as the public.
Correspondingly, this training is designed for those who discover that they carry the mantle of the teacher as well as the mantle of the healer.
This is a stand-alone training that also serves as the prerequisite for Becoming a Spiritual Facilitator Level II: Honing Your Unique Medicine.
A Two-Year Advanced Professional Training and Initiation
Having learned how to teach others essential spiritual healing processes and techniques, the natural progression is to add advanced healing techniques to your purview as a teacher.
There is a further progression beyond this training, which will eventually be revealed in the fullness of time.