For millennia, people worldwide have used singing, dancing, drumming, whistling, and rattling to generate natural trance states in order to journey into the invisible realms and form alliances with benevolent helping spirits.
Whether we’re aware of them or not, we all have compassionate helping spirits who are devoted to our wellbeing, potentiation, and evolution.
The practice of journeying enables us to initiate contact with our spirit guides in order to receive their immediate support whenever we’re in need of wise council, helpful insights, and powerful healing.
Each of us has a cohort of specific spirit guides who are dedicated to helping us uncover, amplify, and hone the unique medicine that we carry. This is your Medicine Council. Your singular, inimitable medicine includes your innate gifts, qualities, and capacities, all of which you are meant to share with the world in order to fulfill your soul’s purpose.
By the end of this workshop, you will have met the members of your Medicine Council and your council will be well established. Our time together will culminate with a personalized ritual prescribed by your Medicine Council—and undertaken in collaboration with them—to ignite your medicine in the service of your soul’s purpose.
This in-person, non-residential workshop will be held in partnership with Folk U and will take place at Linnaea Farm on Cortes Island.
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Friday, April 5, 2024
10am–6pm Pacific Time each day
Tuition: Please select the tier that best suits your financial situation. If finances are a concern for you, even at the lowest tier, please be in touch with Emma Tius.
Lunch at Linnaea Farm: If you would like to order a lovely lunch prepared by Linnaea Farm for $18 per day, you may do so here.
The term “psychopomp” originates in ancient Greece and translates to “the conductor or conveyor of souls.” As in ancient times, in contemporary times, a psychopomp is a person who feels called to assist human souls in crossing over, either during their dying process or when the physical death has already occurred. To support these transitions, the psychopomp will have forged relationships with benevolent spirits, known as “psychopomp allies,” who specialize in guiding souls out of the earthly human realm.
To carry the “signature” of the psychopomp means you have a special affinity for this work. People, who may or may not be aware of carrying this signature, are often drawn to the bedside of those who are dying and may have also experienced visitations from their own loved ones who have passed away, or from strangers.
For the purpose of establishing a safe, consistent, reliable, and effective psychopomp practice, in this training you will each form partnerships with the specific psychopomp allies who are your counterparts in spirit form. With their support, you’ll learn a simple methodology for facilitating a radiant passage for those in the active dying process, and for providing compassionate assistance to those who have already passed away and have been unable to cross over successfully.
This in-person, non-residential workshop will be held in partnership with Folk U and will take place at Linnaea Farm on Cortes Island.
Monday, April 8, 2024
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
10am–6pm Pacific Time each day
Tuition: Please select the tier that best suits your financial situation. If finances are a concern for you, even at the lowest tier, please be in touch with Emma Tius.
Lunch at Linnaea Farm: If you would like to order a lovely lunch prepared by Linnaea Farm for $18 per day, you may do so here.