Advanced Practitioner Training

Becoming a Spiritual Healing Practitioner Level II:
Honing Your Unique Medicine

A Two-Year Professional Training and Initiation

Coming soon. Please check back in the next few weeks.

A note from Julie

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The “3Y” is a comprehensive shamanic practitioner training that is designed for individuals who are called to provide spiritual healing and facilitate spiritual well-being on behalf of others. Those who feel drawn to working exclusively as shamanic healers, as well as those who feel drawn to offering shamanic healing in concert with one or more complementary healing modalities (such as allopathic medicine, functional or holistic medicine, psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, acupuncture, energy medicine, one or more bodywork modalities, etc.) are equally welcome to apply.

The arc of the 3Y curriculum is designed to unfold with increasing complexity over time, which affords participants the opportunity to gather and cultivate their unique medicine gradually throughout the training. Thus, during the course of this immersive training, participants can expect to develop a sophisticated array of shamanic skills, clarify and refine their areas of particular affinity as shamanic healers, and receive transformative shamanic initiations and empowerments – all within the safety of a strong, consistent practice container.

What's Included

The unique 3Y learning arc consists of:

  • Six week-long, in-person residential retreats at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colorado
  • Monthly half-day virtual practice days in between the residential retreats that take place on Saturdays and Sundays
  • Two weekday evening Zoom calls each month to provide you with your daily and weekly fieldwork assignments
  • Practice pods that you meet with monthly (either in person or remotely) for a half-day of intensive small group practice
  • A private, dedicated online forum

What you'll learn

Shamanic healing techniques you will cultivate during the 3Y

From a shamanic point of view, our basic sense of well-being is a function of our connection to our spiritual power. When that connection becomes compromised or severed, we become vulnerable to spiritual illnesses such as soul loss and power loss. During this segment of the 3Y, you will learn the symptoms and ramifications of power loss, the remedies for restoring lost power by way of Soul Retrieval and Power Animal Retrieval, and preventative practices for continually strengthening your connection to your spiritual power.

Merging and Transfiguration are classical shamanic practices for becoming fully permeable to the divine for the purpose of bringing through healing spiritual light. You will begin by enlisting the support of a Gatekeeper and Body Protector, and proceed with an exploration of the Spirit Gates, which are the portals of communication with non-ordinary reality. With that foundation firmly in place, you will learn the shamanic healing techniques of Merging and Transfiguration, as well as the myriad applications of these powerful shamanic healing rituals.

During this portion of the 3Y, you will learn how to diagnose and remedy foreign energy, energetic cords, and intentional and unintentional curses. You will also discover the role that negative thoughtforms play in compounding shamanic illness, as well as the difference between feeling and sending emotions. Finally, you will experience the process of becoming inspirited as a means for prevention and protection against foreign energy of all varieties.

During this portion of the 3Y, you will learn how to diagnose and remedy foreign energy, energetic cords, and intentional and unintentional curses. You will also discover the role that negative thoughtforms play in compounding shamanic illness, as well as the difference between feeling and sending emotions. Finally, you will experience the process of becoming inspirited as a means for prevention and protection against foreign energy of all varieties.

Shamans tend to the spiritual well-being of the living, the dying, and the dead. As such, it is essential for shamanic healers to possess the appropriate skills and sensitivity for working with those who are actively in the dying process, as well as the souls of those who have already passed and are in need of shamanic support. Therein lies the focus of this segment: to learn how to guide those who are actively passing to a peaceful crossing, and to provide support to those who have failed to cross over successfully and are in need of compassionate assistance in order to do so.

Shamans tend to the spiritual well-being of the living, the dying, and the dead. As such, it is essential for shamanic healers to possess the appropriate skills and sensitivity for working with those who are actively in the dying process, as well as the souls of those who have already passed and are in need of shamanic support. Therein lies the focus of this segment: to learn how to guide those who are actively passing to a peaceful crossing, and to provide support to those who have failed to cross over successfully and are in need of compassionate assistance in order to do so.

During this portion of the 3Y, you will learn how to diagnose and remedy foreign energy, energetic cords, and intentional and unintentional curses. You will also discover the role that negative thoughtforms play in compounding shamanic illness, as well as the difference between feeling and sending emotions. Finally, you will experience the process of becoming inspirited as a means for prevention and protection against foreign energy of all varieties.

Memories, fears, and unresolved issues from other places and times can accompany us into our current lives, making it difficult for us to be fully present in our current circumstances. During the 3Y, you will learn how to revisit the other lives of your clients for the purpose of uncovering and resolving underlying issues and wounds from other lifetimes, freeing them from those past entanglements.

The 3Y is a unique practice container that is dedicated to safety, trust, depth, transformation, and spiritual initiation. The power of the work that transpires during the training is determined by the level of commitment among the participants, as well as the degree of safety that is cultivated within the circle. The 3Y is intended to serve as an incubator for shamanic practitioners in training who are gradually honing their skills and gathering their medicine within the safe chalice of a dedicated circle. You are not expected to know how to be a shamanic healer in order to join the 3Y; that is what the 3Y is designed to teach you. You simply need to know that you are called to this path of healing, and then you need to be willing to commit to it wholeheartedly.

As with any healing modality, the sense of safety that a client feels when working with a shamanic healer is critical to the outcome of the session. Safety is generated by strong boundaries as well as the experience of being held in one’s process with compassion and care. In order for you as a practitioner to be fully present in those ways, you must be clear about your boundaries, committed to your own self-care, and skilled in the art of navigating the intimate relationship between a client and a healer. This module will enable you to take a close look at both sides of the client-practitioner relationship, with the intention of bringing awareness, clarity, and thoughtfulness to the tending of that chalice.

The residential retreat schedule

Throughout the course of the 3Y, there are six weeklong in-person retreats at the YMCA of The Rockies in Estes Park, Colorado.

Here is when the retreats will take place:

  1. Thursday, September 19 – Thursday, September 26, 2019
  2. Monday, April 13 – Monday, April 20, 2020
  3. Monday, September 14 – Monday, September 21, 2020
  4. Monday, April 12 – Monday, April 19, 2021
  5. Monday, September 13 – Monday, September 20, 2021
  6. Monday, April 11 – Monday, April 18, 2022

Each of the residential retreats will follow the same basic schedule (see right).

Approximately every four months, the entire circle will gather virtually for a daylong practice intensive facilitated by Julie. If your time zone permits you to, you will be invited to join the gathering live. However, if your time zone doesn’t allow you to participate live, you will be able to watch a recording of the gathering. Please note that participants will not be expected to be in front of their computers all day. The virtual practice day schedules will consist of a combination of lecture, Q&A, group dialogue, and shamanic practices. Participants will log off periodically throughout each day for designated periods of time in order to engage in the practices, as well as to take breaks. The dates for the eight virtual practice days will be announced at the beginning of the training.


One of the features that distinguishes the 3Y is the combination of in-person residential retreats with an in-depth curriculum that participants follow from home. The At-Home Curriculum consists of a wide variety of daily and weekly shamanic practices intended to further enrich the participants’ learning. To that end, the daily and weekly “Fieldwork” is delivered to the circle every other week by way of email and Facebook. The Fieldwork is comprised of written instructions and/or an audio recording that Julie generates containing instructions for the practices for the upcoming two-week period. Participants are expected to commit to remaining current with the daily and weekly Fieldwork throughout the entire 3Y, as the curriculum is progressive and builds upon itself over time.

Before the conclusion of each of the in-person residential retreats, the circle will be divided into small practice pods (generally consisting of 3 or 4 participants each) that will meet monthly until the circle reconvenes for the next retreat. Each pod will then have the opportunity to schedule their monthly pod meetings for the intervening period until the next retreat begins. (The pods will meet in person and/or via Skype or Zoom, depending on where each pod member lives.) The monthly “Fieldwork” that the pods undertake consists of written instructions and/or an audio recording that Julie generates containing instructions for the monthly pod practice. At the start of the pod meetings, the pod members read the written instructions and/or listen to the audio recording in order to receive the instructions for their time together. The remainder of the pod meetings are spent engaging in intensive shamanic practices designed to help participants continue building their shamanic capacity and developing their shamanic skills.

Arrival Day

Check-in: 2pm – 5pm
Dinner: 5:30pm – 6:30pm
First Session: 7pm – 9pm

Full Session Days

Breakfast: 7:30am – 8:30am
Morning Session: 9am – Noon
Lunch: Noon – 12:30pm
First Afternoon Session: 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Afternoon Tea: 3:30pm – 4pm
Second Afternoon Session: 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Dinner: 6pm – 6:30pm
Evening Session: 7pm – 9pm

Departure Day

Breakfast: 7:30am – 8:30am
Final Session: 9:30am – Noon (please be advised that you must vacate your room prior to joining the morning session on the departure days)
Lunch: Noon – 12:30pm

Prerequisite for the 3Y Training

In order to be considered for the 3Y, you must have completed an introductory shamanic journeying workshop of at least two days in length. Please complete the prerequisite before submitting your 3Y application. You may fulfill the prerequisite in one of three ways:

  1. By finding a teacher in your community who has been trained by Sandra Ingerman and is offering an introductory shamanic journeying workshop of at least two days in length. Please click here to search for “Beginning Journeying Skills” workshop opportunities that would be convenient for you to attend.

  2. By completing Sandra Ingerman’s online video course, “Experiencing the Shamanic Journey”. Please click here to learn about and purchase the course.

  3. By attending a Foundation for Shamanic Studies “Basic Workshop”. Please click here to review the schedule of “Basic Workshops” that are available in your area.

The 3Y application process

The final application deadline for the 2019 – 2022 3Y is Friday, August 9, 2019. Please ensure that you have completed the prerequisite for the 3Y before submitting your application.

Julie will process the final batch of applications all at once beginning during the week of August 12. She will be in touch with you that week to schedule your 3Y interview, which will give you the chance to ask her any questions you may have about the 3Y while also giving her the chance to explore your application with you further. Once Julie has completed the interviews, she will journey on each application to seek input from her helping spirits about each 3Y candidate. She will make her final decisions and notify all of the applicants during the week of August 19.

If you are invited to join the training, you will be asked to submit a $249 nonrefundable deposit to hold your spot. Please note that your deposit will be deducted from your tuition. (If you’re on the monthly payment plan, your first monthly tuition payment will be waived. If you’re on the annual payment plan, your first annual tuition payment will be reduced from $2495 to $2246.) However, if you submit your deposit but do not choose to proceed with the training, your deposit will not be refundable.

Payment Plan

There are two payment plan options for your 3Y tuition:

Monthly Payment Plan

$249.00 monthly

32 monthly payments of $249 beginning in September 2019 and concluding in April 2022.

Annual Payment Plan

$2,495 annually

3 annual payments of $2495 in September 2019, 2020, and 2021.


Approximately every four months, the entire circle will gather virtually for a daylong practice intensive facilitated by Julie. If your time zone permits you to, you will be invited to join the gathering live. However, if your time zone doesn’t allow you to participate live, you will be able to watch a recording of the gathering. Please note that participants will not be expected to be in front of their computers all day. The virtual practice day schedules will consist of a combination of lecture, Q&A, group dialogue, and shamanic practices. Participants will log off periodically throughout each day for designated periods of time in order to engage in the practices, as well as to take breaks. The dates for the eight virtual practice days will be announced at the beginning of the training.

One of the features that distinguishes the 3Y is the combination of in-person residential retreats with an in-depth curriculum that participants follow from home. The At-Home Curriculum consists of a wide variety of daily and weekly shamanic practices intended to further enrich the participants’ learning. To that end, the daily and weekly “Fieldwork” is delivered to the circle every other week by way of email and Facebook. The Fieldwork is comprised of written instructions and/or an audio recording that Julie generates containing instructions for the practices for the upcoming two-week period. Participants are expected to commit to remaining current with the daily and weekly Fieldwork throughout the entire 3Y, as the curriculum is progressive and builds upon itself over time.

Before the conclusion of each of the in-person residential retreats, the circle will be divided into small practice pods (generally consisting of 3 or 4 participants each) that will meet monthly until the circle reconvenes for the next retreat. Each pod will then have the opportunity to schedule their monthly pod meetings for the intervening period until the next retreat begins. (The pods will meet in person and/or via Skype or Zoom, depending on where each pod member lives.) The monthly “Fieldwork” that the pods undertake consists of written instructions and/or an audio recording that Julie generates containing instructions for the monthly pod practice. At the start of the pod meetings, the pod members read the written instructions and/or listen to the audio recording in order to receive the instructions for their time together. The remainder of the pod meetings are spent engaging in intensive shamanic practices designed to help participants continue building their shamanic capacity and developing their shamanic skills.

There is a limited number of tuition scholarship assistance available. If you would like to apply for a tuition scholarship, please email Julie or reach out to her via her quaint landline at (303) 417-1189 (no texting, please!).

No. If you withdraw from the 2019 – 2022 3Y and you would like to join a future 3Y training, you will be asked to begin the application process anew.

No. Once the training begins on September 19, 2019, the circle will be closed.

Even when you embark upon a training like this one with the wholehearted intention of completing it, circumstances may arise that prevent you from being able to do so. If you find yourself needing to withdraw from the 3Y, there will be no financial penalty associated with your exit. If you’re on the monthly tuition payment plan, your monthly payments will simply cease at the time of your withdrawal. If you’re on the annual tuition payment plan, the balance of the annual tuition for the year in which you withdraw will be refunded, excluding the month of your withdrawal. (So, if you withdraw in June of 2020, you would be refunded for the months of July through August 2020.)

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