What Is The Ennobling of the Heart?

It’s the sacred path we follow when we choose to walk with spirit.

The Ennobling of the Heart is a love letter to the clients and students I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with during the last 24 years. Again and again, I’ve borne witness to their hearts becoming “ennobled”—uplifted and exalted—when they forge relationships with benevolent helping spirits. 

This has inspired me to call the path of spiritual unfolding that I offer “The Ennobling of the Heart”—as a tribute to those remarkable former and current clients and students, as well as a sincere invitation to future ones. 
As we deepen our relationships with our helping spirits, our heartlights shine ever more brightly. With radiant heartlights, we experience a natural state of belonging, interconnectedness, expansiveness, and wonder. 
I wholeheartedly invite you to join or rejoin me on this transformative path.

Julie Marie Kramer

Founding Instructor

Julie was introduced to core shamanism in 2000, which enabled her to begin cultivating direct relationships with compassionate helping spirits using the practice of shamanic journeying. While continuing to receive training as a shamanic practitioner and facilitator, Julie began leading workshops in 2003 in order to teach others how to use natural trance states to journey into the invisible dimensions of reality and partner with benevolent helping spirits.

Beginning in 2011, Julie expanded her offerings to include long-term trainings with the creation of The Sacred Call of the Healer, a yearlong immersion for practitioners across disciplines to increase their efficacy by engaging the power of the unseen world. In 2012, Julie developed The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation, a comprehensive training for cultivating the broad skillset, proficiency, and stability needed to provide professional shamanic healing to clients.  

To date, Julie is honored to have facilitated over 70 stand-alone workshops; three cohorts of The Sacred Call of the Healer; and to have trained nearly 100 shamanic practitioners by way of three cohorts of The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation

Julie is passionate about training committed practitioners as a way to contribute to the restoration of spiritual healing to its rightful place alongside Western and Eastern Medicine; Energy Medicine; psychiatry and psychotherapy; and hands-on healing. What distinguishes Julie’s orientation is her emphasis on spiritual healing as a catalyst for personal and collective evolution. Correspondingly, participants in Julie’s transformative circles appreciate them for their safety, depth, potency, and instructiveness. 

Julie and her wife, Tami Simon, along with their two Spoodles, Raspberry and Bula, divide their time between Vancouver and Cortes Island, British Columbia, Canada.

Please note: While Julie Kramer has extensive experience as a shamanic and spiritual healing practitioner and trainer, she is not a physician, psychotherapist, or other licensed health care practitioner. Therefore, it is not to be construed that the services of Julie Kramer and/or the workshop or trainings offered on this website are the practice of medicine, psychotherapy or any other licensed health care practice. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information.

Julie's Professional Experience

Workshops and Trainings Julie Has Facilitated


Partnering with Compassionate Spirits:    Activating Your Medicine Council
Location: Hollyhock, Cortes Island, B.C., Canada

The Signature of the Psychopomp
Location: Hollyhock, Cortes Island, B.C., Canada

Partnering with Compassionate Spirits:    Activating Your Medicine Council
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Partnering with Compassionate Spirits:    Activating Your Medicine Council
Location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Partnering with Compassionate Spirits:    Activating Your Medicine Council
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Partnering with Compassionate Spirits:    Activating Your Medicine Council
Location: Location: Virtual

Partnering with Compassionate Spirits:    Activating Your Medicine Council
Location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada


The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation 
Location: Pivoted to virtual due to the pandemic.


The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation 
Location: Pivoted to virtual due to the pandemic.


The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation
Location: Pivoted to virtual due to the pandemic.

Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Location: Virtual


The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation
Location: Estes Park, CO, USA

Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Locations: two workshops in Boulder, CO, USA


Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Location: three workshops in Boulder, CO, USA

The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Sounds True’s Year of Ceremony: Discovering Your Medicine Council: How to Activate Your Unique Medicine in Partnership with the Unseen World

Sounds True’s The Power of Shamanism: Sacred Stewardship: Tending to Your Home in Partnership with the Unseen World

Sounds True’s The Power of Shamanism: Discovering Your Medicine Council


The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation
Location: Boulder, CO, USA


Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Locations: four workshops in Boulder, CO, USA

The Ancient Call of the Psychopomp
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

What Is Shamanic Healing?: A Complimentary Webinar

Casting the Circle: A Complimentary Webinar

Sounds True’s Year of Ceremony: The Chalice of Loss and Transition


The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation
Location: Boulder, CO, USA


The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation
Location: Boulder, CO, USA


The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

The Sacred Call of the Healer 2013: A Yearlong Shamanic Initiation
Location: Boulder, CO, USA


Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Locations: three workshops in Boulder, CO, USA 

Psychopomp: The Soul’s Journey Home
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

The Sacred Call of the Healer 2012: A Yearlong Shamanic Initiation
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation
Location: Boulder, CO, USA


Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Locations: one workshop in Boone, NC, USA and two workshops in Boulder, CO, USA 

The Mantle of the Healer: A Three-Day Shamanic Initiation
Location: Boone, NC, USA

The Sacred Call of the Healer 2011: A Nine-Month Shamanic Initiation
Location: Boulder, CO, USA


Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Locations: one workshop in Seattle, WA, USA and two workshops in Boulder, CO, USA 

The Art of Subtle Perception: A Training for Empaths
Location: Seattle, WA, USA

The Akashic Records: Accessing the Soul’s Story
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

The Art of Subtle Perception: A Training for Empaths
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

The Crossing Over Journey: Shamanic Tools for Assisting the Dying and the Dead
Location: Boulder, CO, USA


Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Locations: one workshops in Seattle, WA, USA and three workshops in Boulder, CO, USA

Spirit Gates: Opening the Portals to the Divine
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Thresholds for Power: Clearing the Obstacles for Manifestation
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Cord Cutting: Resolving Energetic Enmeshment
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

The Convergence Between Your Biological and Spiritual Lineages
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Money and Spirit
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Past Lives: Healing Ancient Wounds and Patterns
Location: Seattle, WA, USA

The Art of Subtle Perception: A Training for Empaths
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Your True Path: Clarifying Your Life’s Purpose
Location: Boulder, CO, USA


Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Locations: one workshop in Boone, NC, USA and two workshops in Boulder, CO, USA

The Convergence Between Your Biological and Spiritual Lineages
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Shine Your Light: Reclaiming Your Spiritual Power
Location: Boone, NC, USA

Drawing on the Power of Your Power Animals
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Transfiguration and Merging: Experiencing the Divine
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Cultivating Your Middle-World Allies
Location: Boulder, CO, USA


Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Locations: one workshop in Boone, NC, USA and two workshops in Boulder, CO, USA 

Shine Your Light: Reclaiming Your Spiritual Power
Location: Boulder, CO, USA


Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Locations: one workshop in Boone, NC, USA and two workshops in Boulder, CO, USA 

Shine Your Light: Reclaiming Your Spiritual Power
Location: Boone, NC, USA


Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Locations: one workshop in Boone, NC, USA and one workshop in Boulder, CO, USA


Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Locations: three workshops in Boulder, CO, USA 


Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism
Locations: one workshop in Boulder, CO, USA and one workshop in Boone, NC, USA

Workshops and Trainings Julie Has Completed


Space Clearing, Psychopomp, and Blessing
Taught by: Betsy Bergstrom
Location: Seattle, WA, USA


Curse Unraveling
Taught by: Betsy Bergstrom
Location: Seattle, WA, USA


Taught by: Betsy Bergstrom
Location: Seattle, WA, USA


Betsy Bergstrom’s Two-Year Compassionate Depossession Teacher Training
Taught by: Betsy Bergstrom
Location: Portland, OR, USA


Compassionate Depossession Intensive
Taught by: Betsy Bergstrom
Location: Portland, OR, USA


Betsy Bergstrom’s Wheel of Life Two-Year Middle-World Training
Taught by: Betsy Bergstrom
Location: Portland, OR, USA


Shamanic Extraction 
Taught by: Ann Drucker
Location: Boulder, CO, USA


Sandra Ingerman’s Two-Year Teacher Training
Taught by: Sandra Ingerman, MA
Location: Santa Fe, NM, USA


Compassionate Depossession and Curse Unraveling (Level I)
Taught by: Betsy Bergstrom
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Shamanic Extraction Healing Training 
Taught by: Dana Robinson (faculty member of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies)
Location: New Orleans, LA, USA

Shamanism, Dying, and Beyond 
Taught by: Julia Darnell, DDS (faculty member of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies)
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Compassionate Depossession and Curse Unraveling (Level II)
Taught by: Betsy Bergstrom
Location: Santa Rosa, CA, USA


Medicine for the Earth 
Taught by: Sandra Ingerman, MA
Location: Santa Fe, NM, USA


The Way of the Shaman
Taught by: Julia Darnell, DDS (faculty member of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies)
Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Soul Retrieval 
Taught by: Sandra Ingerman, MA
Location: Santa Fe, NM, USA


The Way of the Shaman
Taught by: Leslie Conton, PhD (faculty member of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies)
Location: Cortes Island, BC, Canada

Sounds True Transformation Lab

In this video (produced by Sounds True, the multimedia company founded by Julie’s wife, Tami Simon), Julie takes viewers on a journey to discover their benevolent helping spirits. She does this by inviting us into a natural trance state through the use of rattling, whistling, singing, and drumming to access an unseen realm of existence. There, we are able to encounter “a teacher, a guide, a wisdom figure or wisdom being” who has particular qualities that can help us fulfill our soul’s purpose. Finally, she advises us what to do after we encounter our helping spirit (or spirits) in order to initiate “a shared, wholehearted, collaborative effort” with them that recognizes us as mature adults with our own inner knowing.


Countless people who have visited Hollyhock on Cortes Island, B.C., have a “Hollyhock Story” to share that describes a life-altering experience they had there, and I am no exception. In fact, in my case, three events took place at Hollyhock that shaped the course of my adult life: becoming introduced to my helping spirits and the path of core shamanism in 2000; meeting and falling in love with my now-wife, Tami, in 2001; and becoming co-stewards with Tami—as well as a gaggle of lovely humans—of a swath of forest on Cortes Island in 2004, where we have since built our sweet cottage.

After beginning a relationship with Tami, I became a transplanted Canadian living where she was based, in Boulder, Colorado, where my journey as a practitioner and teacher began to unfold. I would like to express my gratitude to the beloved beings who supported and inspired that honing process during the 21 years that we spent in Boulder.

I gratefully acknowledge Sandra Ingerman, whose early encouragement and continued mentorship have been invaluable to me. My studies with you as a little shoot laid the ground for my continued unfolding as a practitioner and facilitator. I continue to be in awe of your generativity, generosity, and capacity.

I gratefully acknowledge Betsy Bergstrom, who provided me with a spiritual vocabulary and framework that served as the foundation for my honing process. The healings, teachings, and initiations that I received from you catalyzed immense growth for me, and I’m profoundly grateful to you for helping me uncover my medicine.

I gratefully acknowledge the living memory and radiant spirit of Malidoma Patrice Somé, whose allyship was and is a precious gift to me. Thank you for naming my evolutionary trajectory in ways that I continually refer to and take heart from.

I gratefully acknowledge Devi Records, my therapist, mentor, and supervisor from 2004–2023. Thank you for consistently demonstrating impeccable boundaries, constancy, and the healing potential of the client/practitioner relationship. Thank you for providing the chalice for my healing, growth, and rewriting for 19 years. I became who I am because of you. I will carry your wise council in my heart for all the years to come.

I gratefully acknowledge Sherry Bauer, my family’s energy healer for nearly 20 years. You are the true embodiment of humble mastery. Thank you for being a boundless well of kindness and compassion. 

I gratefully acknowledge my former and current clients and students. You are precious and luminous beings, and I thank you for teaching me about evolutionary soul companionship and giving me ways to share my medicine, which has been a gift beyond measure.

I gratefully acknowledge my benevolent helping spirits, those known and unknown to me, because of whom I am never alone. At some point along the way, teaching became my Teacher. Thank you for inviting me to carry your medicine in the human realm.

I gratefully acknowledge my wife, Tami Simon. Everything begins and ends with you. 

Receive occasional dispatches from Julie