Partnering with compassionate spirits by way of natural trance states


The first time I tried initiating contact with compassionate spirits using natural trance states altered the course of my life. That seminal encounter confirmed what I had sensed but never experienced directly; the existence of other dimensions of reality beyond the physical world, including benevolent helping spirits who were devoted to my wellbeing.

I discovered that when we sing, dance, drum, whistle, and rattle – alone or in community – we can become sufficiently disinhibited to begin to perceive the subtle dimensions of reality that we coexist with, but routinely overlook. Furthermore, I learned that you only need to experience the invisible realms once in order for your perception of reality to be fundamentally changed.

I’ve since come to believe that multidimensional awareness is accessible to anyone at any time. Correspondingly, my work is dedicated to helping others establish that connection for themselves, and pass on this knowing to others.

The willingness to continually turn towards the invisible realms can enable us to access allies, resources, knowledge, gifts and blessings that can enliven and fortify us. We can forge relationships with compassionate spirits who hold us with unconditional love and acceptance; share enriching guidance with us; and provide us with transformative spiritual healing.

When we avail ourselves of multidimensional wisdom by connecting with compassionate spirits on a regular basis, the immediacy of these relationships can interrupt our habitual experiences of separateness, isolation, stress, and overwhelm. Instead, our perspective can widen, our edges can soften, and we can gain a greater sense of purpose and meaning. Furthermore, our heartlights can begin to shine ever more brightly.

This “ennobling” of the heart – the way in which our hearts naturally become uplifted, radiant and expansive by way of partnering with compassionate spirits – is the path of spiritual initiation and evolution that I teach.

Julie Marie Kramer

Upcoming Offerings

Partnering with Compassionate Spirits:
Activating Your Medicine Council

A Three-Day Workshop

This workshop is an opportunity to learn a trustworthy, effective, and reliable practice intended to cultivate multidimensional awareness and contacting your helping spirits using natural trance states. 

This is both a stand-alone workshop, and also serves as the pre-requisite for Becoming a Spiritual Healing Practitioner Level I: The Essentials.

Becoming a Spiritual Healing Practitioner Level I:
The Essentials

A Year-Long Professional Training and Initiation

Designed to provide the necessary skills, experience, and ethical framework for facilitating spiritual healing on behalf of others within a stable, structured container. 

This is both a stand-alone training, and also serves as the pre-requisite for Becoming a Spiritual Healing Practitioner Level II: Honing Your Unique Medicine.

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Insights at the Edge Podcast with Tami Simon

I was recently interviewed by Tami Simon, the founder of Sounds True—who also happens to be my wife!—for her podcast, Insights at the Edge. We touched on several topics, including how to partner with benevolent helping spirits as sovereign, mature adults; how to handle the pervasive question of “Am I just making this up?” when it comes to journeying; why the spirits might not always intercede when we want them to; as well as the inspiration for The Ennobling of the Heart, the path of spiritual unfolding that I offer. 

Tami also asked me a series of more personal questions, such as how I was first introduced to shamanism, where my confidence in the existence of the spirit realm comes from, and why I work with natural trance states as opposed to journeying with the aid of psychedelic medicines. This interview with Tami was a long time in coming, and getting to do such a deep dive into the topics that are nearest and dearest to my heart in conversation with my beloved was a precious gift. I’m delighted to be able to share it with you!

Please note: Spiritual Healing and shamanic practices are considered part of the field of Complementary & Alternative Medicine. Although Spiritual Healing and shamanic practices are intended for “healing”, they are not to be construed as the practice of medicine, psychotherapy, or any other licensed health care practice, and they do not replace the services of licensed health care providers. 

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